Be part of the solution
Supporting decision making with data and intelligent tools
Built for, and owned by, all of us.
Corporate Benchmark
Corporate Benchmark includes a comprehensive array of over 200 financial and operational metrics with multiple filter overlays allowing a large number of reports and analyses covering university operations benchmarked against peers.
Academic Quality Benchmark
The academic quality benchmark includes the performance measures required as part of external referencing from the Higher Education Threshold Standards governed by TEQSA. The design allows you to select multiple measurement areas against targeted segments to understand academic quality performance at both macro and micro levels with an expanding scope of metrics
For further inquiries please register your interest using the form below.
About HES Analytics
HES Analytics is a sector-wide benchmarking tool that has been developed to allow the higher education sector to freely share information, compare performance and develop best practice.
It is only the benchmarking tool 100% owned by the sector. It uses models that are agreed upon and understood by all sector members and the results it generates are not only shared in detail with the participants, but participants are also able to interrogate the data.
That means that the higher education sector drives the tool, and have the ability to ensure it is developed and applied in a way that best suits the sector.
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For more information please contact Oliver.
Oliver Whiteley